Teen YouTuber flees home after scolding, found on train in MP. Parents livestream ordeal

Kavya Yadav was discovered in a train compartment in Madhya Pradesh after going missing from Aurangabad, Maharashtra.

While on their way to bring her up, her parents livestreamed on her YouTube channel.

After leaving her home in Maharashtra after being reprimanded by her father, 16-year-old YouTuber "Bindass Kavya" was discovered inside a train coach

The girl was reported missing from Aurangabad in Maharashtra and was later discovered in a train coach at Itarsi railway station in the neighbouring state.

The adolescent has more than 4.4 million YouTube subscribers and frequently produces gaming, lifestyle, and vlog video there. 

Her parents said she had been missing since September 9.

Her parents announced her disappearance to her followers on both her YouTube page and Twitter account.

"Our daughter has been missing since September 9, 2pm, and police are still not looking. Please assist us. Saying "Kahi der na ho jaye"

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